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The 195th Regular Meeting: Oct. 19, 2024

"What an Impeccable Meeting!"

These were the right words to describe the 195th regular meeting at Senri TMC. 

The meeting went impeccably smooth starting from “Here’s My Trick.” This was a short friendly learning reminder of how to come up with one strong speech message. Just a recap of what was said (1) Use familiar words; (2) Storyline or content should be simple; and (3) Don’t pack too many ideas in one message.

The “Speeches” were impeccably prepared and impeccably delivered by versatile speakers. The topics ranged from learned personal experiences, trivialities of marital life, a heart-warming philanthropic act, and a cautionary speech on how to control one’s anger.

The constructive feedback during the “Evaluation Session” was likewise impeccable. Each experienced evaluator praised and gave clear and feasible suggestions to the speakers.

And the sometimes, “dreaded” “Impromptu Speech” proved not dreadful but with impeccably interesting topics that complemented both the speakers and the audience.

This impeccable club meeting has again empowered the dedicated members to be more effective public speakers.

By Rene

* You might be wondering why the words "impeccable" and "impeccably" appeared so many times in this piece. The answer is "Impeccable" was selected as the Word of the Day at this meeting. In Senri Toastmasters, a member serving as the "Grammarian/Word Master" selects a word as the Word of the Day, and members and guests are encouraged to incorporate that word or its derivative words in their speeches.


Special Meeting: Panel Discussion "Delight Obtained from Table Topics Speeches": October 5, 2024


今回のパネルディスカッションのテーマは「Table Topics Speech(即興スピーチ)」でした。即興スピーチが得意な4人のパネリストが、それぞれのスピーチで実践しているコツや考え方を惜しみなく披露してくれました。特に興味深かったのは、各パネリストのアイデアやアプローチが必ずしも一致していなかった点です。つまり、即興スピーチをまとめるために、それぞれが異なる方法を取っていることが分かりました。本当に色々なアイデアが披露されたおかげで、自分自身の即興スピーチでも大いに参考になるヒントがたくさん得られました。


このパネルディスカッションの後に行われたMarikoさんのリードによるTable Topics Sessionでも、同様に準備の大切さを感じました。今回、Marikoさんが準備したTable Topicsのお題は「英語の慣用句」をテーマにしたものでした。スピーカーたちは、たとえ本来の意味を知らなくても、イマジネーションを働かせてスピーチを展開することができ、とても思慮深いお題だったと感じました。

今回のスペシャルミーティング、終始スムーズな会でした。やはり、Senri Toastmasters Clubのモットーである「チームワーク」のおかげでしょうか。 また、トーストマスターズは常に何かを学べる場であると改めて実感した会でもありました。



The 194th Regular Meeting: Sept. 21, 2024











New member testimonial: Madelyn

1. Why did I decide to become a member?

I had been eager to study English since the beginning of this year and sought the most effective and suitable way for me.

Encounter with the Senri Toastmasters Club

I accidentally discovered an English speech club meeting being held in the same building when I went to the library. A sheet of paper with a member's photo, showing the location of the meeting, attracted me. At this moment, I had no idea what the Toastmasters club was. I became curious and took a peek at what people were doing from outside the room. The meeting looked professional as one person was making a speech in front of the audience with a monitor and a camera set in the middle. Although I had to leave there before the library was closed, I couldn’t stop thinking it must have been a very interesting place. 

Then I found a group of people from the meeting and I tried my best to speak to them. They were so friendly to me, a stranger who wasn’t even a guest at the meeting. I decided to attend the following meeting as a guest. This is how I got to know the Senri Toastmasters Club.

My first impression of the Senri Toastmasters Club

I was a bit nervous before entering the meeting room for the first time. But the friendly greeting and welcoming atmosphere eased my nervousness. Then, I was so surprised to see that the meeting had started in a very formal manner. The meeting proceeded with set phrases and formal expressions. They even used a gavel and, whenever the person came in the front, they shook their hands.

Each member has a role such as Ah-counter, Timer and Grammarian, Speaker, and Evaluator. All of them are evaluated by a General Evaluator. There is a ballot after the speeches and the Best Speaker, the Best Evaluator,  and the Best Table Topics are selected. The meeting is moderated by the MC, the Toastmaster of the Day.

It was a completely novel experience for me, and I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. I was called on to speak for the Table Topics, and my nerves were at their peak. However, warm support and smiles from the members lifted my spirits. I joined the meeting two more times. You can participate as a guest up to three times. This gives you time to think it over, so I think this is a good system.

I finally decided to be a member. The right balance between joyfulness and nervousness would surely keep me motivated.

2. What skills do I want to gain?

I have three skills I want to gain which are currently my biggest weaknesses.

The first is to organize my thoughts and clearly express what I want to say. When I try to write essays or even a few paragraphs, my mind goes blank. And I tend to speak without getting to the main point. I believe receiving training in the Senri Toastmasters Club would be the most effective way to get over these weaknesses.

The second skill is fluency in speaking English. I haven’t studied English for a long time, which contributes to my lack of fluency. I have a lot of words that I understand but struggle to use. Immersing myself in this club will help me improve this skill.

The third skill I want to gain is the ability to speak in public with confidence. I get very nervous when speaking in front of people, even at past kindergarten parent-teacher meetings. To conquer this fear, learning tips and practicing with supportive members would be greatly helpful.

3. What goals have I set?

I have been enjoying studying English because I like to communicate with people around the world, share thoughts and insights, and exchange cultural perspectives. However, I often get frustrated not being able to express myself clearly, and sometimes I just give up trying to make myself 100% clear.

I want to be a good communicator who can express ideas clearly and confidently in English, and connect with people from diverse backgrounds.


Special Meeting: Table Topics Practice: September 7, 2024

Two creative approaches

We had our September Special Meeting focused on Table Topics (impromptu) speeches online. (Though our Regular Meetings are on the third Saturday of the month in a hybrid style connecting the venue with online participants via Zoom, we usually have a monthly online special meeting.)

At this meeting, the facilitator, Marilyn, took two creative approaches. The first one is the content arrangement. When we had Table Topics practice sessions in the past, we used a long breakout session in which members took turns giving a topic, delivering a speech on that topic, and timing the speech time. We normally had listeners provide feedback right after a speech before moving on to the next speaker. This time, we had three shorter breakout sessions, during which we take turns practicing a Table Topics. After the breakouts were over, we came back to the main room and Marily asked some members for their own reflection on their own speeches. This was less discouraging for newer members than having someone else evaluate their speeches.

The other creative approach was about the topics provided in the main Table Topics Session. Marilyn chose simple words and phrases rather than questions, which we tend to see often in our meetings. This one came after our August Special Meeting on August 3, when I delivered a speech titled "Don't Answer" to encourage members to "deliver a speech on a topic" rather than simply answer a question. This forced members to think about what message to include in the conclusion of the speech. This worked superbly.

We look forward to having more creative special meetings going forward.



Senri Toastmasters' Moments of Truth Meeting: Aug. 31, 2024

Moving Forward

The August 30 online meeting was not just an assessment of our club mission but also a powerful TOOL of how the skills we develop at Toastmasters can be applied into everyday professional success. Topics discussed include: welcoming people and creating a welcoming atmosphere, engaging colleagues to build stronger teams, keys to motivation, and how to move forward.

As we continue to apply the principles learned through the Moments of Truth project, I look forward to creating an even more welcoming, engaging, and supportive environment for our members and guests alike.



The 193rd Regular Meeting: Aug. 17, 2024


今回、prepared speech とそれに対するevaluation が優れていたと感じましたので、この2つをセットにして述べましょう。


1st Speech

スピーチの中で、広島の被爆者の父母たちの手記を集めた1冊の本からある母の手記を朗読する場面。その母は8月6日、広島の 軍需工場で被爆したわが子をネームタグで見つけました。周囲はまだ温かい死体と全身焼けただれて苦痛 の声を絞り上げる14-15才の若者でいっぱいの状況。母が駆け寄って子供に呼びかけると、皮膚のはがれた身体から、呼びかけに応え、「父は、祖母は、のがれることができたの」と問いかけ続けるーーー。この二人の悲痛な会話を、スピーカーは声を変えて再現し、とてもリアルで悲しい場面を作り上げたと感じさせました。

Evaluatorは、その最後の場面が聴衆の心を強く打った、そのvocal variety(声の使い方)のスキルの高さを、映画を見ているようだったとフィードバックし、ジェスチャーに工夫を加えるとさらにインパクトが増すとつけ加えました。

2nd Speech

2人目のスピーカーは起業家のGloria。「リーダーはどんな考えを持つべきか」について、YouTube で得た答えと自身の考えるリーダー観をそれぞれ図示しながらの説明は、興味深いものでした。

Evauatorは、ボードとペンを使った図示が分かりやすかったとコメントしたうえで、手でボードを持っているためにジェスチャーが使えないこと、書いている間はアイコンタクトができないこととを指摘して、これらに依存 せずにアイコンタクトをしながらジェスチャーで説明したほうが、よりアクティブで説得力のあるスピーチになるのではないかと提案しました。

3rd Speech



今回スピーカーが取り組んだ"Persuasive Speaking"というプロジェクトの達成度において、完璧であると評しました。スピーチが完全に persuasiveだった理由を、スピーカーが経験と科学的リサーチ結果を元に理想的なスポーツはテニスだと推奨したからだというEvaluationもとてもpersuasiveでした。

4th Speech




Senri Toastmasters Clubではチームワークをモットーに互いに優れたスピーチができるようにフィードバックをしあっています。ぜひ、覗いてみてください。


The 195th Regular Meeting: Oct. 19, 2024

"What an Impeccable Meeting!" These were the right words to describe the 195th regular meeting at Senri TMC.  The meeting went ...