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第105回例会 2017年3月18日 

Hello, this is HP reporting from the hottest place in Toyonaka City.
Our 105th STMC meeting at Sone Central Municipal Hall was less crowded but as exciting as usual.

We had one guest, who came back from her two-year stay in the Sunshine State and joined us because she was "starving to speak English."  
She’s come to the Right Place! (Confirmed at the end of the meeting)

​The session arrangement was as follows:
1. Fun master (also known as Joke Session)
2. Prepared Speech Session
  (CC#5 “Body Speaks” and CC#5 “Organize your speech”)
3. Evaluation Session
4. Tabletopics Session
5. SPECIAL Session

1. Fun master was just like a show conducted by TM A.S. to entertain us.
This time she made us laugh with her collection of Senior Citizen jokes.

2. Prepared Speech Session featured two speakers.  
The first speaker TM M.A. gave us or rather showed us, with her body language, how obscure the so-called historical facts are.
The second speaker TM S.A. organized the speech structure carefully in order to show us the complexity of the American show business.
The objectives of their speeches were quite different, but coincidentally both of them talked about how obscure the so-called truth is.

3. Evaluation Session 
The first evaluator TM T.M. not only evaluated the speech but also showed us the importance of nonverbal expressions by showing his OWN examples!  
On the other hand, TM T.I. showed as much confidence and logical reasoning as TM S. A. the second speaker so as to give more credibility to the evaluated.

There was no voting for the best speaker or the best evaluator in accordance the TM rule.
So it is clear that these four toastmasters' superb performance was a product of their genuine interest and enthusiasm!!

​4. ​Tabletopics session 
​TM T.F. prepared numerous topics that sounds familiar yet challenging, such as "Do you like dogs or cats? Why?" "Are you morning person or night person? Why?" “Do you eat your favorite first or last?”
The highlight was when our first-time guest was courageous enough to take the challenge.
… and the best speaker award went to the Fun Master A.S.!  She just kept on entertaining us!

​5. ​Special Session
This session was a demo session to prepare TM E.I. for the Area Contest, which was coming on the next day.
It was not only an opportunity to encourage her but also one of the precious moments to see that we are here to help each other, as in other sessions.

​Incidentally, the word of the Day was "mundane."  An excellent choice!  
I truly hope this report is not too mundane.

The next meeting is on April 15th.
The venue will be back to Collabo.




ゲストは1名。Sunshine State フロリダに長く留学されていた方です。

いつもなら、ジョーク・セッション と呼んでいるところがFun Masterとなっているだけあって、非常にFun Fun Fun な内容でした。なぜか高齢者ジョーク特集。個人的には、身近ではないだけに(?)大好きです。

スピーチ1のMさんYour Body Speaks(非言語で語ってみよう)の課題として、
Is it true? 

スピーチ2のSさんはOrganize Your Speech(構成を工夫しよう)の課題として
Wars and Western




続いての 論評セッションでは、それぞれのスピーチに負けない個性派Evaluator(論評者)が。



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