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Highlight from 172nd regular meeting November November 19

11/19の例会から、あるプロジェクトをハイライト。“Managing Difficult Audience”スピーチをする中、複数の邪魔者が、スピーカーに話しかけたり邪魔をします。挑戦したのはTami さん。どんな邪魔が入るか本人は知りません。邪魔されたときの反応は人それぞれ。話しかけられたネタをもとに話を広げたり、それとも無視したり、それとも後で返事をすると答えたり。Tamiさんはとても誠実に対応されました。

I would like to highlight a project “Managing Difficult Audience” from the meeting.
Tami delivered a speech titled “The Happiest Country”, while several so-called disruptor tried to distract her.
In real life, there are cases where you get distracted by audience while the presentation. This project is a good opportunity to learn how to respond with those disruptors.
Each person reacts differently when they have disruptions. You may want to involve the disruptor and expand the discussion or you may want to ignore. Tami handled the situation nicely. The speak itself was really informative. We all enjoyed the session

Best Speaker受賞のNaneaさんはいつも素敵なvisusl aidを作成されます。
rhetorical language(修辞的に関するスピーチ、具体的な例で説明されていてとても勉強になりました。自分のスピーチに応用して活かせるといいなー。
Nice visual aids used by the best speaker of the day, Nanea ‘s speech on rethorical languages

今回のBest SpeakerとBest Table Topics Speakerです。
Best speaker and Best impromptu speech speaker receive ribons from the President

Written by VPE まりりん

Comment from General Evaluator Kiyo:
First of all, I would like to say the meeting was successful with two guests: We had four speakers, and their speeches' objectives were different. 
 That made the audience excited. 
 Table topics speech master who was her first job, prepared many topics which were easy to speak. Excellent job! Evaluation session had excellent experienced evaluators. 
Each evaluator gave us evaluation like a model.
The word of the day was transform, which is different from word change. Ah counter was busy counting Ahs. It was simple but hard. Timer needs concentration. He did it well. The TMD did a very good job. The meeting went smoothly. 
The good news was the new SAA was elected. 
I hope Senri TMC will be energetic and friendly.

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