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The 182nd Regular Meeting: September 16, 2023

Club President Rene infused the meeting with a dose of humor as she playfully wielded the gavel upon the lectern, declaring, “Let’s kick off this meeting with a bang!” Her lighthearted opening set the tone for an enjoyable, enlightening, and uplifting gathering.

With this spirited start, the meeting soared with Kamayan sharing invaluable tips on “Vocal Tone.” We pondered the impact of tone on our presentations, realizing that it’s not just the content but also the tone of our voices that truly matter. Kamayan urged us to fine-tune our vocal delivery for various situations, reminding us that casual conversations, informal gatherings, and public speeches each require their unique tonal nuances – like the musical notes Do, Mi, So. The takeaway was clear: Elevating our charisma and credibility lies in mastering our tone and volume. It was a valuable hack worth embracing!

Serving as Toastmaster of the Day, the facilitator of the education portion of the meeting, Momoko led the meeting with sincerity and boundless enthusiasm, impressing us with her ability to speak from the heart, effortlessly delivering introductions without relying on notes. Her natural approach set the stage for a memorable meeting.

The highlight of the meeting was undoubtedly the Induction Ceremony, where we welcomed our newest member, Molly, into the Senri Toastmasters family. As members, we pledged to support Molly on her journey of self-development, providing positive feedback and helpful evaluations to ensure her membership is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Kazu introduced the “Word of the Day” –“proactive,” sharing a personal anecdote about his proactive decision to seek a health check-up due to severe stomach pains. It reminded us of the importance of taking charge of our health.

Regrettably, the Best Speaker Award remained unclaimed due to several speakers exceeding their allotted time – a struggle we’ve all faced. Despite this, all prepared speeches were exceptional, touching on diverse topics such as “Something Absorbed In,” “Your Body Speaks,”“Rugby,” and “Synesthesia.”   Mune and Marilyn complemented their speeches with colorful and well-designed PowerPoint slides that enhanced their messages. Tenten offered invaluable insights into effective body language, illustrating his points with a persuasive example of how he conquered his own mistakes. Lastly, the return of Kiyono to our in-person venue after over a year was a heartwarming experience, and her speech left a lasting impact.

The much-anticipated Evaluation Session followed, with Kamayan, Rene, Tamiko, and Tenten providing thoughtful feedback tailored to each speaker’s experience level. This session also served as an opportunity for us to hone our skills as confident evaluators – a reminder that practice is the key to improvement. 

Hiko led an entertaining and educational Table Topics (impromptu speech) Session, delving into the theme of “Crisis Management.” Kazu claimed the title of Best Table Topics Speaker by brilliantly responding to the question, “What’s the first thing you’d do in the unexpected event of an earthquake?” His spontaneous answer, “shoes,” struck a chord with many of us.

The meticulous timing and record-keeping were handled by Yoshiko, while Mitsuru explained the voting rules with clarity and engaging eye contact. Masami, a newly inducted member, excelled as the Ah-Counter, skillfully tallying all the filler words and delivering a friendly and humble report at the meeting’s close.

A heartfelt thanks goes out to Zoom Master Mariko and her team, who flawlessly managed the online operations, making hybrid meetings possible through their proactive efforts.

Lastly,  let’s cheer on our three debaters – Yoshiko, Momo, and Tamiko – as they prepare to participate in the Speak-Up Toastmasters Club-sponsored  Debate Festival on September 24th. Their courage and commitment to honing their skills deserve our support and applause. 

The Club Speech Competition: Feb. 1, 2025

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