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Highlights from September Meeting

Toastmaster of the day: TM F. T. 

Today’s meeting started on time as usual. We were very happy especially because a new member TM M.K. joined the club. We’re looking forward to his wonderful speeches.

Word of the day: TM R. H.         

Captivate, Captivating: Today TM. R.H. introduced these words showing the meanings on the screen,

“attract and hold the interest and attention.”  Let’s use these words in our meeting today.

Prepared Speech Session

1. How did I join Toastmasters clubs? (TM K.Y.)

One of my friends made a wonderful speech in the USA. He introduced me ETS Toastmasters club. Then 

I joined the club. Half years later, I moved to Japan and found Senri Toastmasters Club. Now I am happy to be a member of the club.

 (The speaker showed us some pictures with his interesting memories. His speech tells us it is very important to put a great value on encounters with people.)

2. Watch China and US (TM T.N.)

 The two world powers worry the world. China’s success is based on its state-supported business and on its efforts to steal foreign intellectual property rights and exploit other countries secretly under the name of globalization. The US hasn’t tried to overcome its racism against black people. China and the US are lacking in law and international order.

(The speech started with Sumo wrestler-gestures. Soon we got that the two countries in the hot topic of world news were compared to the wrestlers on the sumo ring-dohyo. The content of the speech was deep about world affairs. Her gestures, however, helped the audience involved in the speech.) 

3. Take the Stage (TM H.T.)

  The speaker was telling us how we, members, can grow as public speakers with his personal experience. The goal of the speech contest is not only to win. He recommends that we can make use of the stages of various speech contests to be better and appealing speakers. He made the speech very informatively and enthusiastically, changing tones and keeping eye contact naturally. Those things might be what he has got from his contest careers. Thank you.

Table Topic session: (TM S.A.) Theme: Autumn

T.M. A. always offers interesting topics to us. What is today’s topic?

These are the topics he collected for the session. We enjoyed autumn!

1.Grapes   TM M.K.

2.Reading   TM A.S.

3.Colored leaves TM K.K.

4.Sports day TM F.T.

5.Maple     TM F.T. 

6.Bell cricket (suzumushi) TM R.H.

7.Pacific saury (samma)   TM E.I. 


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