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Impromptu Speech Practice Session / 即興スピーチ練習セッション

Are you comfortable speaking in public when suddenly called on to speak? Not many people are ready for that kind of challenge, but our life is full of these impromptu speech opportunities, isn't it?

Today, we had a special session focused on impromptu speaking, what we call "Table Topics" speech in Toastmasters, where we are given a topic and are expected to start speaking on the spot. We had six of our members and four guests for the 90-minute session.

At the beginning of the event, our president, Kama-yan, gave a brief presentation on how to structure an impromptu speech, introducing a model called PREP. It is an abbrevieation of Point, Reason, Example, and Point. First, you might want to state your point clearly. Then, you follow up with a reason or reasons. To make your reason(s) clearer, you want to add some examples to illustrate. Finally, you might want to conclude with stating your point again to emphasize it.

After this, two members are called on to speak on their respectve topics to demonstrate what impromptu speeches look like. This was followed by two breakout sessions, where five attendess each practiced impromptu speeches taking turns providing topics, speaking on the given topic, and timing the speeches. We shared our feedback and speakers themselves looked back on their speech and found what they could have done differently.

After two rounds of breakout sessions, we got back to the main room and have a "Table Topics" session, where one of the members, Tenten, facilitated the session giving topics and callling on members and guests. We listened to speeches by three members and four guests based on their stories from their lives. It was a truly fun and educational event.

We are having another special event next week on June 3, focused on feedback speech. Our life is full of feedback opportunities, right? This is going to be another fun and educational session and guests are welcome. Interested? Just send us a message via the Contact Us form here!

急に話題を振られてその場で話さないといけない。。。 お得意ですか? 多くの人は苦手ですよね。でも、人生って、即興スピーチの連続じゃないですか?

今日は、Toastmastersで「Table Topics」と呼ばれる即興スピーチに特化して練習する特別なセッションで、6人の会員と4人のゲストが参加しました。



途中でメンバーを入れ替えて2回のブレイクアウトセッションの後は、メインルームに戻ってTable Topics sessionと呼ばれる、普段のミーティングでも行っている形式での練習。会員の1人、Tentenがファシリテータを務め、3人の会員と4人のゲストがスピーチに挑戦しました。それぞれの経験をもとにしたスピーチを聞けたとても楽しく学びの多い時間となりました。

さて、来週(6/3)にも特別セッションがあります。次はフィードバックスピーチに特化します。人生って、フィードバックの機会満載でもありますよね? 次回も楽しくて学びの多いイベントになること間違いなし。興味をお持ちいただけましたら、Contact Usフォームからご連絡ください!

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