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Overwhelming and Full of Cheers: The Special Meeting on December 16, 2023

"Overwhelming" was the word of the day for the Special Meeting on December 16th. It was a well-chosen word apt to describe what happened during the meeting and after the meeting. I give credit to Toastmaster Momoko who also used the derivatives of the word. How did the meeting proceed … Well, let me recount:

Starting this year 2023, Senri TMC has stamped its regular meetings starting with "Here’s My Trick." This is an original feature of the club wherein a member shares his/her tips as an effective public speaker. The year-ender role taker was Toastmaster Kazu. His tips were: (1) Be Concise with your Sentences (2) Eliminate Unnecessary Words, and (3) Use "KISS METHOD." Toastmaster Kazu was also the Vote Counter at this meeting. He can handle the two roles with ease.

Then, the awaited "Prepared Speech Session" gave way to three ladies who delivered with great speaking style and enthusiasm to convey their speech content and messages. Toastmaster Mariko talked about Christmas childhood experiences with regards to the belief in the existence of "Santa Claus." It was interesting to note that the topic connected the audience and the speaker. As I listened to her, memories of her topic came flooding into my mind. Her speech was entertaining and at the same time gave a picture of a child torn between "belief" or "doubt" on what adults claim exists.

"The Giant Killer" was Toastmaster Anne's speech title. I was expecting to hear about "tarantula" or "gorilla." But to my surprise, she delivered a heartwarming biography speech about a baseball player who not only excelled in his field of sports but went "beyond the call of duty - to serve and offer his life for his country." Her speech used nonverbal communication, movements, and gestures that added more to her touching message. It was an eye-opener for me, a reminder of the many unsung heroes of today.

The last speaker was Toastmaster Tamiko. She delivered a keynote-style speech recounting her journey in "Speaking in Public." She did give credit to Pathways for helping her achieve the communication confidence that she now possesses. Toastmaster Tamiko made me and the audience recall the great, informative, and entertaining speeches that she had delivered along the way to "Level 5 Project of Presentation Mastery."

The "Evaluation Session" is another unique aspect of Toastmastering. No teachers; thus, speakers and audience learn through the constructive feedback of peer toastmasters. The three evaluators, namely, Toastmasters Teruhiko, Hideo, and Mitsuru, used the "Sandwich Approach." They praised, commended, suggested, recommended, and encouraged the three speakers to consider their comments as they pursue their project paths. An "overwhelming addition" to this session is that the assigned evaluator Toastmaster Teruhiko was also evaluated by a peer, Toastmaster Kiyono. This action is very helpful to evaluators who are still "gaining ground" in their evaluation skills.

As the year is about to end, the Table Topicsmaster Toastmaster Yoshiko chose for the "Table Topics Session" topics related to "Reflecting on This Year." The topics ranged from MVP Star Player, technology, food, word, book, movie, and something started or challenged this year. The speakers who were called upon to answer did their best to expound on their ideas and they did "overwhelmingly."

On top of all these, the club welcomed two guests, namely Takashi and Gloria. We were "overwhelmed" by their presence and their decisions to be members of the Senri Club. "Cheers!"

The transition between sessions and other segments ran smoothly. Thanks to the Toastmaster of the Day, the confident Toastmaster Munehira, who was in control of all proceedings. He chose the "Meeting Theme – New Year's Eve" which the Table Topicmaster did align her topics with.

The two minor roles, the Ah-Counter and Timer, were done by Toastmaster Kaori and Toastmaster Masami, respectively. They did a commendable job with their assigned roles even if the role was new to them. Their role preparations were evident as they performed their roles flawlessly.

The "Cheers!" closed this year's special meeting. We had an "Online Party." It was not merely a "drink and eat party" but became a venue to air out concerns, share tips on assessing/improving speaking abilities, and reflect on one's Pathways journey this year. It was a wonderful time, a time worth doing again!

Indeed, the December 16 th Special Meeting, was "overwhelming!"



KISS (Here's My Trick by Kazu)

 At the Special Meeting on December 16, Kazu took the stage as the "Here's My Trick" presenter, a role unique to the Senri Toastmasters Club where a member shares his/her tips regarding speeches.

This time, Kazu discussed what he keeps in mind when crafting a speech. KISS, or "Keep It Simple, Stupid." He stressed the importance of keeping our sentences short and simple by eliminating unnecessary words so that it is easier for the audience members to understand the important points of the speech.

What set his presentation apart was his use of examples. He showed two different versions of excerpts from a speech and showed the drafts of these versions, making it visually obvious how the simpler version is easier to follow. In one example, what was over four lines was trimmed down to one line and a half. This demonstrated how short and simple descriptions are powerful in conveying our messages.

Thanks, Kazu, for the superb presentation!


The 185th Regular Meeting, December 2, 2023

会場はCollabo 作業室。いつものオンラインセッティングベテランのTentenとKama-yanがZoom参加のために、TMOD(正式名称:Toastmaster of the Day。教育部分の司会者)であるMarilynが中心になり、Momokoさんや Kazuさんが補佐して準備を進めてくれた。

少し遅れてmeetingはスタートしたが、Marilynの手でスムーズに進行した。二人のゲストを迎え、最初はNew member、Kaoriの入会式。なめらかなpledgeが印象的な入会式の後はrole takersの説明へ続いた。Quick tempoである。

Word of the Dayは、Kiyoさん推薦の"imperative"。難しい英語だが、皆さんがスピーチでどんどん使っているところは千里TMCの積極的な面を表している。 

Here’s My Trick
Kiyoさんのタイトルは、"How I make a speech" 。ベテランらしく'The opening of speeches draws the attention of the audience.' と 'To give a strong conclusion'の大切さを改めて強調された。

Prepared Speech
The 1st speaker: "What's the Difference? Types of Sake?”
Mollyは、 稼業の酒米づくりから得たsake ranking について、更に、酒の美味さ(うまさ)はcool sakeのflavor(味)とaroma(香り)にあると述べられた。かつて、浅草で飲んだ冷たい吟醸酒のとろけるような味を思い出した。 Well-organizedスピーチであった。 

 The 2nd speaker: "Connecting Dots" 
Kazuさんのスピーチは、最初にsummary ありき、"We cannot predict our future"と提示された。 Steve Jobsのideaを引いて、簡潔に、数学的視点で論理を展開された。 
dot = point = decision 
line = dot の集合体
lifeはdaysから成る、daysはdecisionsから成る dotsをつなぐことによりlineができる。Lineはベクトルをもち、ベクトルは方向と大きさをもつ。このベクトルの方向を決めるのも、その大きさを決めるのも私たちの思考と選択にかかっている。従って、人生は予測できないーー実に深いスピーチであった。ベクトルの方向がアップの場合の結果を、ダウンの場合と対比させて説明されるジェスチャーは効果的であった。

 The 3rd speaker: "A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats-1" 
タイトルの"A Toastmaster Wears Many Hats"はToastmastersのミーティングに登場するいろいろな役割の目的や必要な準備をまとめた資料の名前。第1例として、スピーチの後半timerを取りあげられた。一般的な役割にとどめず、we can be more effectiveをめざし、new ideasを求めて、その役割を創造していくことが大切だ、というinstructiveな発表は、やはりこのクラブのモデルとなる。 

Evaluation Speech
Anne's evaluation on Molly's speech
Anneさんの論評は、温かく適確であった。Do you like sake? のオープニングはcatchyである。そしてスピーチ全体をloud, clear, enthusiasticという言葉でMasamiさんの特長をよくとらえていた。前半のHow and where did sake become popular?の展開はよいので、sake-producing processを最後ではなく、前半の流れの中に入れるべきとAnneさんは指摘された。なるほど。大きなポスターにポイントをまとめて、ホワイトボードに掲示してはどうかというアドバイスも、適確である。

Mune san's evaluation on Kazu's speech
Steve Jobsのファンという点でUjiieさんのスピーチに親近感を覚えたというコメントは、温もりを感じさせた。ベクトルに関するhand gestureの効果を賞賛する一方で、body angleの頻度が高いことを改良の余地ありと評された。しかし、body angleとは何か、例を挙げて説明されると、the audienceにも具体的にイメージできたのだが。

Momoko's evaluation on Tenten's speech

Table Topics
Topicsmaster Kama-yanのテーマは、"Look Back to 2023"。 7人のspeakerが選んだタイトルはバラエティーに富んでいた。例えば、an unusual part-time jobの経験――ヤミバイトかとちゃちゃが入るーー、国王あるいは女王なら国をどう治めるか、など。スピーカーのprivate lifeの一端を知ることができて、enjoyable speech sessionだった。Kama-yanのaudienceを楽しませる工夫に拍手を送ります。 

今回は、3つのsessionsで、'All are eligible.'(スピーチした人全員が決められた時間制限の中でスピーチを終えて、Best Speakerなどの投票の対象になった)であった。3回のvotingをすることができたのは素晴らしい成果である。学ぶことも多く大成功であったと言える。 

Thank you for TMOD's control and all the members' cooperation. And thank you, two guests.

The Club Speech Competition: Feb. 1, 2025

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