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How to Introduce Others with Flair and Grace (Jan. 13 & 20)

Can you imagine what these beautiful English words were used to describe,  “Trailblazing,” “Gracious,” “Righteous,” and “Glittering.”?

They are the adjectives that the Toastmaster of the Day (the meeting MC), Anne, used to introduce the role takers of our January 13 meeting. Her introduction with these charming words delighted the members who were introduced, created a warm and friendly atmosphere, and helped us to get to know each other better. Anne’s skill of introducing others courteously was superb.

On January 20, one of the experienced members, Rene, gave a splendid speech based on the “Deliver Social Speech” project. The objective of her speech reads “a speech to honor an individual (the presentation of an award).” Rene’s introduction of a fictional award recipient, John, was amazing. Thanks to Rene’s wonderful introduction speech, we were able to know the wonderful life's ups and downs that John overcame.

The skill of introducing others is very useful for all of us in our daily lives. We cannot do it without noticing the good points of others. In January meetings, thanks to these experienced members, we were able to learn not only the skill of introducing others with flair and grace but also the beautiful expressions to do so. Thank you!






この例会ではもう一つイレギュラーなことがありました。珍しくGeneral Evaluatorが体調不良で欠席となってしまいました。Tenteが急遽、自身のスピーチもある中General Evaluatorを務めることになりました。急に決まったにもかかわらず、さすがTさん、抜群の安定力でGeneral Evaluatorの役目をこなします。私もいつかはTentenのように、メンバーのピンチの時に難なく助けられる、そして頼りにされる存在になりたいなー、と強く思いました。



(By Yoshiko)








- Prepared Speech Session

Word of the dayは”Chill out(おちついて!)”、しかしそんな冷静ではいられません。本日の5つのスピーチは、Educational、Humorous、Passionなどなど とにかく多種多様。会員を飽きさせないバラエティに富んだハイブリッドなコンテンツ!

- Evaluation Speech Session

5人のEvaluatorはそれぞれの異なる目線でEvaluate! 声の大きさ・抑揚・トーンなどのVerbalだけではなく、効果的な動き・目線・手癖などのNon-Verbalなアドバイスまで! 会員が得られるのはハイブリッドなTips!

- Table Topics Session

テーマは「生きがい」といった超重い内容から「アハ体験」という日常のありふれた経験まで多種多様! 即興で話をつくる「アドリブ力」と時間内に話をまとめる「タイムマネジメント力」。会員に要求されるのはハイブリッドなパフォーマンス!

千里トーストマスターでは、こんなネオハイブリッドミーティングを月に一回開催! 皆さんぜひともお越しくださいませ


Special Meeting featuring a "Grammarian" Workshop, January 13, 2024

 We held a special meeting featuring a "Grammarian" workshop. The word "Grammarian" here means one of the meeting roles in a Toastmasters meeting. This role is devoted to commenting on the participants' language use. More specifically, a Grammarina pays attention to grammatical errors and mistakes, pick some beautifully put words and phrases, and other language aspects of speeches. 

The plan was to have three members serving as the Grammarians. After a workshop presented by Tenten, they were to pay attention to the language use of the participants while they practiced impromptu speeches in the longer-than-usual Table Topics Session.

At the workshop, Tenten discussed in his presentation titled "Grammarian: From Novice to Expert," how to serve as a Grammarian effectively depending on how knowledgeable and comfortable each member is about grammar and the role. He suggested that inexperienced members pay attention to some common mistakes such as singular/plural, subject-verb agreement, countable/uncountable nouns, and transitive/intransitive verbs. It should be easier to find mistakes when focused on one or two areas.

He mentioned more advanced members could try to find some advanced words explaining their meanings and more advanced mistakes and errors such as word usage challenges

At the expert level, members should try to pay attention to word choices. Sometimes the speaker inadvertently or not-knowingly ends up using words that are not as effective words to convey their messages. They could give special attention to those slightly different nuances to help the speaker select the most appropriate words and phrases.

After his presentation, we held a Table Topics Session and listened to the Grammarian reports by three Grammarians. They all successfully incorporated some of the tips shared in the workshop. We will organize more themed meetings going forward. Stay tuned so you won't miss information about these special meetings!

The Club Speech Competition: Feb. 1, 2025

The recent club competition at Senri Toastmasters Club was a remarkable event, highlighting the exceptional skills of our members. This time...