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Spring has come: The 188th Regular Meeting, March 16, 2024

On our regular meeting held on March 16th, the weather was rather warm. At the beginning, our President, Rene, observed a delightful scene: cute children participating in the entrance ceremony of some kindergartens. Coincidentally, the Toastmaster of the day, Kiyo, introduced each role taker and speaker, sharing memories of their own school graduation ceremonies—both the satisfactory and the melancholic.

As the second prepared speech presenter, Marilyn delivered an impressive speech titled “Eight Years’ Journey.” In her speech, she reflected on her experiences as a public speaker and as an officer of our club. Despite starting from scratch in both roles, she realized the effectiveness of continuous trial and error within our club.

With the pleasant weather outside, we enjoyed a variety of speeches, feeling a sense of new beginnings.


Keys to shape leader-speakers: The 188th Regular Meeting, March 16, 2024

Senri Toastmasters aims continuously to shape leader-speakers who are communicatively competent. HOW DO WE ACHIEVE THIS?

We don’t have teachers to teach us, but we rely on each other to help as we grow and improve. I have seen this more actively practiced during the last March 16th Regular Meeting.

We have the Prepared Speech Session where assigned speakers deliver speeches of their choice following the path they have chosen. The speakers deliver freely, with ease coupled with motivation the messages of their speeches. They incorporate the acquired delivery skills of an effective speaker like voice, body movements, gestures, eye contact, and other aspects. To deliver a speech doesn’t end here . . .

We have the Evaluation Session where assigned evaluators evaluate the speakers. Evaluators serve as “ala teachers” - our peers, club members. The evaluators try to apply the “Sandwich Approach” to give feedback. Evaluators are “teacher-like” wherein they state the positives of the speech delivered, suggest an area or two for improvement, and finish with another positive comment.

On this day, Speech Evaluator Hiko evaluated Prepared Speaker Kazu’s speech. His evaluation feedback was helpful and valuable not only to the speaker but to everyone. Then, Speech Evaluator Hiko got precious feedback from the General Evaluator Mune who gave his comments. And General Evaluator Mune got his share of feedback from the Toastmaster of the Day Kiyono. This is caught in the picture below wherein three Toastmasters engage in their respective meeting roles, supporting each other, acknowledging each other, and working as one in a “unique Toastmasters cycle.” Each member learns from a co-member and the cycle goes on. It is a unique teamwork. It facilitates the smooth flow of our meetings and productively fosters a warm atmosphere of growth. Each member on his own pace but equipped with the needed public speaking skills.


What’s Happening in March at Senri Toastmasters Club?

What’s Happening in March at Senri Toastmasters Club?

Be Our Guest.

Senri Toastmasters is abuzz with activity and enthusiasm. From a regular meeting to special events, there’s a lot to look forward to this month. Let’s glimpse into the exciting happenings and moments that will make March truly enjoyable.


Regular Meeting Recap: Kicking off the month, our regular meeting on March 16 set the stage for the beginning of opportunities for members to hone their speaking and listening skills

The Theme of the Meeting: Reflecting the spirit of the season, the theme of the meeting was “Graduation.” It couldn’t have been more fitting as we celebrate the tradition of educational milestones in Japan. Led by Toastmaster of the day Kiyo, the meeting gave out a sense of warmth and teamwork.

Personal Touch in Introductions: What truly made the meeting memorable was the personal touch infused into each speaker’s introduction. Memories of past graduations were shared, bringing nostalgia and reflection. From tales of inspirational teachers to a treasured possession, each story added depth and excitement to the theme.

Table Topics on Graduation: The Table Topics segment was one of the highlights of the meeting, with speakers delving into various aspects of the graduation experience. From partying with friends to the bittersweet farewells of first loves, the topics tickled the hearts of the audience, fostering a sense of connection and empathy. We really do have a wonderful community!!


Our club winner going to the Area Contest. Kazu had a chance to practice his speech for the anticipated Area C3 Contest. He and Momo are going to participate in the Area C3 Contest on March 20th. Good Luck to both of them!


Special Online Club Meeting: Mark your calendars for March 30, as we have something in store—an online club meeting featuring a presentation on Table Topics (impromptu speeches) by Eri. This session aims to enhance quick thinking skills, adding another layer of excitement to our club activities.



Molly's "Here's My Trick" speech: The 188th Regular Meeting, March 16, 2024

MollyのHere’s My Trick をミーティングのハイライトとして取り上げたい。



Prepared SpeechのかKazuのスピーチにおいても、ジェスチャーとフェイシャルエクスプレッションについての話があった。大きなジェスチャーをとることで、脳をだまして心が元気になったり、他人への印象を大きく変えることができると説明があった。脳が体に指令を出すだけでなく、体の動きが脳に影響を与えるということは、脳科学の本でも読んだことがあったので、私の持っている知識と、Kazuのスピーチの内容がつながったときに、幸福な気持ちになった。Kazuはいつも効果手的にジェスチャーを使っているので、普段から、ジェスチャーの有効性を理解して、使われているのだろうと思った。




The 187th Regular Meeting, February 17, 2024

The meeting started on time. We had no guests, so it progressed to ‘Here’s My Trick’ smoothly and quietly.

Here’s My Trick (My way to get the hang of public speeches)
Mune san emphasizes that ‘eye contact’ is vital to communication. It expresses a speaker’s confidence, which enables the speaker to see the responses from the audience and convey the contents of the speech better.

Prepared Speech Session
Speaker 1, Yasuko, “Homeless”
Her title, “Homeless,” drew attention. Her rich vocal variety included onomatopoeia (like pecha kucha). The title “Homeless” and onomatopoeia made us feel her deep love for her son.

Speaker 2, Molly, “Are You Prepared for Emergencies?”
Beginning with the forest fire in Hawaii last year, she advanced by accumulating disastrous facts and told us about disaster management. She showed an emergency bag, which can contain many devices, and advised us to check each item’s expiry date from time to time.

Speaker 3, Rene, The title is “Jolly Good Old Fellow”
She delivered a eulogy speech for a volunteer who saved a missing five-year-lod girl despite being injured himself. From the story, we realized that volunteers’ help is precious. It was a heartwarming, touching condolence speech.

Speaker 4, Takashi, “Partnership.”
This was his first speech. He has difficulty sleeping, but he used a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device to sleep well and continued doing stretching exercises to do the 180 split. They are his partners. He has creativity.

Evaluation Session
Evaluator 1, Tenten, on Yasuko’s speech “Homeless”
His comment was detailed. He explained her success in her project by giving two examples of her nice vocal variety and body language. His suggestions were also detailed; the use of eye contact, how to emphasize something online, speaking more in detail to not confuse the audience, and so on.

Evaluator 2, Kama-yan, on Molly’s speech “Are You Prepared for Emergency?”
He said she was successful in using her tone and props effectively. He then made good suggestions such as shortening the introduction, connecting with the audience by asking questions, and paying attention to where the camera was.

Evaluator 3, Eri, On Rene’s speech “Jolly Good Old Fellow”
She said her speech was a good example of social speeches because Jeffrey’s contribution to others reflected how considerate to others he was. On the other hand, she added that the quotation from the Bible was not familiar to many people and that an explanation might have been necessary for it.

Evaluator 4, Kazu, On Takashi’s speech “Partnership”
His evaluation had a sharp point of view. He raised two good points, ingenuity and the use of a good picture. For example, the speaker showed ingenuity in using ‘trademark’ as a keyword. He advised the speaker to use eye contact, especially when he got nervous because it would have helped him monitor how the audience reacted.

Table Topics Session
The topics were centered around ‘Travel.’ Ten members spoke of their travel experiences. Their speeches were rich in variety, including many overseas travels, and amused us.

As it seemed that each speech and evaluation in the Prepared Speech and Evaluation sessions was worthy of mention, I dared to write them in detail. In the Table Topics Session, everyone got excited and the relaxed atmosphere spread. We enjoyed many members’ distinctive travel experiences to the fullest. It was a pleasure to see all four evaluators and ten Table Topics speakers were eligible and we voted for the best evaluator and the best table topics speaker. The success of the meeting was thanks to Toastmaster of the Day, Yoshiko, the Table Topicsmaster Mune, other role takers, and above all, our teamwork.

The Club Speech Competition: Feb. 1, 2025

The recent club competition at Senri Toastmasters Club was a remarkable event, highlighting the exceptional skills of our members. This time...