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Happy Summer, Toastmasters!: The 192nd Regular Meeting, July 20, 2024

As the Senri Toastmaster New Year is in full swing, I’ve been busy trying to understand my new role as Treasurer, while collaborating with the Executive Committee to create our initial budget. Alongside this, I’m setting personal goals for my participation during meetings. What skills do I want to hone? What do I aim to achieve personally?

One thing I’m focusing on is improving my Evaluation skills. My first Evaluation Speech was nerve-wracking; I was afraid my mind would go blank or get a stomachache. Now, I strive to put myself in the speaker’s shoes, highlighting their strengths, offering constructive suggestions, and providing words of encouragement. I’ve even become quicker at taking notes. The supportive members of the club give me many opportunities to improve my skills.

The techniques that I am learning and practicing in Toastmasters come in handy in real life too. For example, when communicating with family, friends, or community groups.

Improving myself and serving others through club and leadership roles makes my Toastmasters journey both meaningful and fulfilling. Learning never ends. Every experience, both big or small, shapes who I am.

Anne Shirai, Treasurer July 2024


2024-2025 Start! The 192nd Regular Meeting' 20 July, 2024

トーストマスターズクラブは、7月1日から翌年6月30日を年度としています。すなわち7月例会は、今年度の始まりとなる大事な例会! そして今回は始まりにふさわしく、初物尽くし!

ー初 General Evaluator
ー初 Grammarian
ー初 ICE Breaker Speech (トーストマスターズクラブでの初スピーチ)




1)Here's my Trick

このプログラムは千里トーストマスターオリジナル! 各々が持っているパブリックスピーチに関するTipsを共有するセッションです。内容は スピーチのコツからコンテンツの考え方、体の使い方など多岐にわたります。 メンバーがお互いのノウハウを共有することで、メンバーの研鑽を進めています。

2)Prepared Speech session

トーストマスターのメインディッシュ メンバーが事前に準備してきたスピーチを披露します。 パブリックスピーチはなんといっても場数が大事!地力向上に直結します!

3)Evaluation Speech session

トーストマスターには教師はおらず、メンバー同士がお互いのスピーチを評価します。 適切で素直なフィードバックは大人になるとなかなか得難い貴重な経験。 その内容は、会員をMotivateし、能力向上の指針となります!

4)Table Topics Session

司会がメンバーにお題を振り、メンバーは1-2分程度のショートスピーチを披露します。 即興スピーチで他のスピーチと毛色が違いますが、考えてみれば日々の会話は即興の連続。 ここでの経験は日々にしっかり生かせるアドリブ力向上につながります!


ご興味ある方は是非 にアクセスして例会に参加してみてください👍



Full of Happy Moments: The 191st Regular Meeting, June 15, 2024

This meeting was filled with happy moments, the Induction Ceremony, the Hall of Fame, and the Installation Ceremony, to name a few.

What stood out among these is the Hall of Fame because this is a once-a-year event. First of all, members were recognized with a ribbon for their educational achievement of completing levels in our educational program, Pathways.

Thanks to members' contributions, the Senri Toastmasters Club has earned the distinction of "President's Distinguished Club" in the Distinguished Club Program, the club recognition program in Toastmasters.

Later, members were recognized for their contributions to the Area C3 and Division C events.

Senri Toastmasters Club members not only worked hard to hone their public speaking skills but also helped organize Area and Division events that benefited all the participants in these events.

The Club Speech Competition: Feb. 1, 2025

The recent club competition at Senri Toastmasters Club was a remarkable event, highlighting the exceptional skills of our members. This time...