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Highlights from June Meeting

 As a measure to curb the spread of coronavirus, we had a zoom meeting instead of a F2F meeting in June also. It seems it helped us improve our online presentation skills! Here below is the highlight of June meeting:


 The first session was the Prepared speech session. The speakers organized and delivered the speech based on their manuals.


1st speaker: TM F.T.

Speech Title: What the pandemic brought us

Manual: Leadership Development Level 1; Project 4. Researching and Presenting Research and present an unfamiliar topic; organize the speech clearly to maximize audience understanding; craft clear and engaging transitions between main sections of your speech;  use and cite sources to support speech content, make source list available


COVID-19 brought us Chaos, but it also brought us ‘clean air’ thanks to the lockdown.

We noticed that if we want to, we can recover the better environment. One possibility to do it is ‘sharing economy’, which young people in particular are interested in. In addition

to matching platforms such as ‘Merucari’ and ‘Uber’, unique businesses like ‘goat sharing service’ are getting popular. In the future we will see more diverse businesses in this field, which will stimulate the economy. Young people prefer sustainable economy rather than economy burdening environment. So middle-aged and older people as well as government should support them because they are our future.    


2nd speaker: TM E.I.        

Speech Title: The Candlelight

Manual: Interpretive Reading; Project 4. The Play                                            

Adapt a play for interpretive reading; Portray several characters in one reading, identifying them to the audience through voice changes and movement.         


It was a Japanese RAKUGO story about a lazy and greedy man’s life. As it has consisted of dialog and inner thoughts of some characters, it was a good opportunity for the speaker to practice the vocal variety and the movement.                                    


The second part was the Table Topic session. Some speakers were selected randomly and asked questions to deliver impromptu speeches.



1. What makes you smile?                            TM Y.U.

2. What worries you about the future?          TM J.C.

3. What makes love last?                              TM. Y.C.

4. What makes you angry? Why?                 TM M.A.

5. What small acts of kindness bring you joy? TM T.N.

6. What things/situations build up your fear? TM. T.F                                        


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