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Highlights of May Online Meeting

News Master: A presentation about any current event  3 min  by Tm F: This was an  interesting presentation which introduced how the Corona Virus has affected the Sumo Tournaments. 

" Regretfully to be announced, the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament has been canceled due to avoidance of the corona spread.
But all wrestlers now well prepared for the opening of the Nagoya(namely Ryougoku) tournament in July by practicing  much harder" Shiko(
四股)” than before, to kick out the strong virus into the ground to show Shinto sprit..."

Pathways Mastery #2-2 Understanding Your Communication Style 5-7 min                        Share a communication style and its impact on professional and personal relationships; avoid reporting on the content of this project. Avoid reporting on the content of this project.

Speaker: Tm N     Speech Title: The Source of Concern

A new deadly virus has spread to a great number of countries.  The number of patients is even now increasing in the world.  Its outbreak occurred in Wuhan City, China, last December.

The new deadly virus belongs to the coronavirus.  It’s called COVID-19 and very similar to the SARS coronavirus, so it has a strong power to infect humans and cause serious illnesses.        

Chinese authorities say, “Since we shut down the seafood market, brought many doctors, and locked down Wuhan, there have been no reports of new cases of the new coronavirus in the city.”

However, a professor at Hong Kong University, famous as one of the first to decode the SARS coronavirus explains.....                                                                                                                                                                 

Evaluation by Tm T     Time: 2-3 min                                                                                

TM N's speech was well-organized and informative. She let the audience know the cause of coronavirus and four solutions to handle wild animals safely. She delivered a strong message with gestures effectively. 

Pathways Innovative Planning #2  Understanding Your Leadership Style 5-7 min          Objectives and Purpose: Share some aspect of a chosen leadership style in general; discuss style preferences when working with others, how to adapt the chosen leadership style to situations, or leadership styles in general, and how they impact a group. 

Speaker: Tm M    Title: My Role Model Time: 5-7 minutes

To be updated soon! 

Evaluator: TM A   2-3 min    You excelled at organizing your speech well. It enabled the audience to follow your journey from a music student to your current position in a company. You may want to work on using more descriptive language to appeal to the audience. For example, my teacher was charismatic and patient. He was an active listener and made me feel confident.  The leadership skills you mentioned were clear and easy to relate to.  As a mother, I was able to relate to your teacher and how he motivated you. 

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