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Highlights from the 174th Regular meeting on 21st January 2023

  “Senri TMC - JUMP HIGH in 2023

The 174th Regular Meeting of Senri TMC had a big leap just like this year’s animal, Rabbit. Taking this in regard, the meeting theme “rabbit” was chosen by versatile Toastmaster of the Day (TOD), Kiyo. She asked each role taker how they connect with the word – theme, “rabbit.”  Role takers had different answers ranging from pets, Easter bunnies and eggs, stuffed rabbit toys, etc. The audience enjoyed listening to these different “rabbit encounters.” The audience composed of members online and on the venue had a wonderful teamwork carrying out their roles – passing the baton from the spheres of digital to analog and vice versa. The meeting was also graced by a male guest, Mr. T.K.

                                   Let us . . .      H  O  P       meeting sessions . . .

The Prepared Speech Session

There were three speakers – a neophyte, a budding one, and seasoned speech – maker. Their speech titles were “Guten Tag”, “Let’s build a nest egg for the future”, and “Step Up”, respectively. The new member, Speaker Yasuko in spite of her injury delivered her Ice Breaker in a relaxed and newly gained confidence. Yasuko knew that the club members were there to listen with their (“rabbit like long”) ears as she recounted her experiences in a foreign country, how such exposure led her to seek and to aim to be a teacher for kids. The second speaker delivered and awakened our minds to a realistic scene of what the future holds with our finances. Kirinne had not left as hanging as to this issue. There was relief when Kirinne expounded on her three valuable solutions to . . . “build a nest egg for the future.” The third Speaker Tenten was eloquent. His speech’s content and message focused on his experiences as he dealt with other toastmasters’ clubs. His vision and the reality of the clubs’ situation struck him, gave him challenges that paved to the “step up” he had gained.  The club members voted Krinne as the Best Speaker for this session.     


The Evaluation Session

The General Evaluator (GE) Rene talked about the indispensable part that “Evaluation” plays in Toastmastering. She reiterated that offering useful positive feedback will help speakers become less self - conscious and be aware of their speakers’ skill level – their strengths and what has to be improved. The evaluators tried to be objective as possible not withholding their praises as to delivery, content, organization, voice, style, etc. But at the same time citing specific ways to improve. There were 3 evaluators’ namely, Kamayan, Nanea, and Momo.  As an added bonus to learn the merit of evaluation, the second evaluator, Nanea was evaluated by another member, Maririn.  As evaluators, we should be reminded that a healthy evaluation helps preserve or enhance the speaker’s self – esteem as they continue their journey in the Pathways of Toastmastering. There was no voting for Best Evaluator.

The Table Topics Session

Table Topics (TT), or Impromptu Speech Session was led a new member Kaz who was in control of his new role.   He has prepared well tying up his prepared topics with the speakers’ goals in 2023. We can simply term these topics as “one’s resolution for this year.”  The TT speakers were Kamayan, Munesan, Tami, Maririn, T.K. (guest), and Mika.  The topics they have chosen ranged from Health, Hobby, Travel, Toastmasters, Work and Language. Each speaker bearing their topics in mind freely talked about how they wanted to resolve this year. TT speakers talked about their concerns, their plans, their memories, their mottos, and their objectives in life that will bring about the answer to their resolutions. TM Maririn was voted as the Best Table Topics Speaker in this session.

Other Role Takers:

Grammarian and Word Master (WM), Tami who introduced the word “utilize.” The WM wrote the word, gave some derivatives, and gave several sentences to show its usage.  She has encouraged everyone to use the word of the day as much as possible in their speeches. Her comments on the use of English during the course of the meeting were very educational.

Vote Counter, Tenten took note and counted all the participants’ vote for the main sessions.  

Ah Counter, Tami did a great job watching our verbal crutches such as “ah”, “um”, “y” know” etc. It needs a lot of concentration especially that the audience are in two different spheres. 

Timer, Mika did a remarkable job keeping track of the timing rules all throughout the meeting and the “extra side roles”.

Zoom Master, Maririn was indeed reliable in handling online technology and some issues with zoom like lagging or freezing. 

We did a rightful and timely leap, we were on track with our club’s goals, and we are continuously learning and growing communicatively in a conducive atmosphere.  Thus, we, the members of STMC club will surely leap higher in 2023.      

Thanks to everyone . . .  the 174th Meeting was a big success!!!  

by ~ RENE ~

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