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Grammarian notes (Grammarianのメモ)

In Toastmasters, we take turns serving in different roles and the Grammarian is one of them. A Grammarian pays special attention to the use of language by everybody who speaks during the meeting. They take notes of some descriptive words and phrases and rhetorical devices as well as grammar, usage, and pronunciation errors and mistakes, which they report toward the end of the meeting.

In this article, we take a look at some that Grammarian Hideo found in our 177th regular meeting on April 15.

raison d'etre: a French phrase meaning the most important reason for somebody's or something's existance. (人の最も大事な存在意義を意味するフランス語)

* vital role: an important role (重要な役割)

* in the midst of a civil war: rigth in the middle of a civil war (内戦の最中に)

* capable of achieving anything: able to achieve anything (何であっても達成する能力がある)

* computer graphics was cheap: poor (しょぼい)

* hereafter: from now on, going forward (これから先)

* extensive research: research covering a large area (広範囲に及ぶリサーチ)

* be of service: helpful for others (役に立つ)

* recap: summary (要約)

* trait: a particular quality in someone's personality (人の性格の特徴)

salary man: It would have been better put as "salaried worker."

◆ innovated a time machine:  The word "invent" would have suited the situation better because the speaker was talking about "Doc" Emet Brown in the movie "Back to the Future." (映画「Back to the Future」のドクについての言及なので innovate より invent の方が相応しかった)

◆I sticked to your speech.: Probably the evaluator wanted to say "I was attracted by your speech." or "Your speech was engaging." 

◆ greatly visual aids: It would be better to say "great visual aids" because the phrase "visual aids" function as a noun here. The tie between "visual" and "aids" is inseparable while the word "great" is simply describing what kind of visual aids are being discussed. (visual aidsという2語で1つの概念を表している名詞なので、説明は形容詞の great の方が適切)

Grammarian Hideo served as Word Master, who decides on Word of the Day, which everyone is encouraged to incorporate in their speeches during the meeting. He chose the word "profound" as Word of the Day. Many members used the word "profound" in an appropriate way. Great work, everyone!! (GrammarianはWord Masterを兼ねていて、Word of the Dayを選定します。Word of the Dayは参加者全員がミーティングの中で使うように奨励されているもの。今回は profound が選ばれ、多くの会員が適切な使い方で使っていました。素晴らしい❣)

Though we will not assign anyone as Grammarian at our next event, Impromptu Speech Practice Session, on April 22, members are sure to pay attention to their use of language in practicing impromptu speeches. Guests are more than welcome to join and unlike our regular meetings, you will have plenty of opportunities to participate yourself. Contact us via the online form on our website!(次回4/22のImpromptu Speech PracticeではGrammarianは置かない予定ですが、みんな、impromptu speechの練習の中で言葉の使い方にも十分気を付けてくれることでしょう。ゲスト参加、大歓迎です。普段のミーティングと違ってゲストの方にも参加していただく機会がふんだんにあります。ぜひサイトのContact Usフォームからご連絡ください。

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