Senri Toastmasters Club holds a special
meeting in months with five Saturdays.
Usually, our regular meetings consist of
Prepared Speech session with three to four 5-7 minute speeches, Evaluation
session (2-3 minute feedback speech for each speaker), Table Topics (impromptu
speech) session and Report Session. But we do something different during
Special meetings- something that we can enjoy and learn.
- What are fundamentals when writing a speech?
- Where do your speech ideas come from?
- Where do you find quotes or descriptive
languages from?
The session was moderated by Marilyn, and panelists
Tenten, Nanea, and Tami shared their perspectives on what they value in a
speech, how they construct their speeches, and other tips.
The last question was "What motivates you to write/deliver a speech?”
It was an opportunity to revisit why we
want to give speeches and why we joined the Toastmasters Club.
The panel discussion ended with a question-and-answer
This panel discussion was conducted using
the "Moderate a Panel Discussion" project from "Pathways", an
educational program and had a time limit of 20 to 40 minutes. I
really wanted to spend more time to hear what they had to say, so I felt the
time was too short.
After the panel discussion, we were divided
into small groups in breakout rooms and had discussions. It was another good opportunity to bring members closer to each other.
The topic on the April Fools Day was “to
include a lie in a short speech”. Members enjoyed listening to speeches while
guessing in which portion the speaker was lying.
The next meeting on 15th Apr will be a Regular Meeting in hybrid mode (online/in-person).
If you are interested in joining us, please contact us through our website!
YES! We are Senri Toastmasters Club! (toastmastersclubs.org)
4月1日のスペシャルミーティングでは、「How Do You Write a Speech?」と題してパネルディスカッションを行いました。
- スピーチのアイディアはどこから来るの?
- 引用や、表現、どうやって見つけるの?
最後に「What motivate you to write/deliver a
なぜスピーチをしたいか、なぜToastmasters Clubに入ったのか、改めて考える機会になりました。
ところで、今回のパネルディスカッションでは教育プログラム「Pathways」から、「Moderate a Panel Discussion」というプロジェクトを使用して行いました。このプロジェクトは制限時間が20分から40分。本当はもっと時間をかけて話を聞きたかったので、時間が短く感じました。
by まりりん
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