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Impromptu Speech Practice Session / 即興スピーチ練習セッション

Are you comfortable speaking in public when suddenly called on to speak? Not many people are ready for that kind of challenge, but our life is full of these impromptu speech opportunities, isn't it?

Today, we had a special session focused on impromptu speaking, what we call "Table Topics" speech in Toastmasters, where we are given a topic and are expected to start speaking on the spot. We had six of our members and four guests for the 90-minute session.

At the beginning of the event, our president, Kama-yan, gave a brief presentation on how to structure an impromptu speech, introducing a model called PREP. It is an abbrevieation of Point, Reason, Example, and Point. First, you might want to state your point clearly. Then, you follow up with a reason or reasons. To make your reason(s) clearer, you want to add some examples to illustrate. Finally, you might want to conclude with stating your point again to emphasize it.

After this, two members are called on to speak on their respectve topics to demonstrate what impromptu speeches look like. This was followed by two breakout sessions, where five attendess each practiced impromptu speeches taking turns providing topics, speaking on the given topic, and timing the speeches. We shared our feedback and speakers themselves looked back on their speech and found what they could have done differently.

After two rounds of breakout sessions, we got back to the main room and have a "Table Topics" session, where one of the members, Tenten, facilitated the session giving topics and callling on members and guests. We listened to speeches by three members and four guests based on their stories from their lives. It was a truly fun and educational event.

We are having another special event next week on June 3, focused on feedback speech. Our life is full of feedback opportunities, right? This is going to be another fun and educational session and guests are welcome. Interested? Just send us a message via the Contact Us form here!

急に話題を振られてその場で話さないといけない。。。 お得意ですか? 多くの人は苦手ですよね。でも、人生って、即興スピーチの連続じゃないですか?

今日は、Toastmastersで「Table Topics」と呼ばれる即興スピーチに特化して練習する特別なセッションで、6人の会員と4人のゲストが参加しました。



途中でメンバーを入れ替えて2回のブレイクアウトセッションの後は、メインルームに戻ってTable Topics sessionと呼ばれる、普段のミーティングでも行っている形式での練習。会員の1人、Tentenがファシリテータを務め、3人の会員と4人のゲストがスピーチに挑戦しました。それぞれの経験をもとにしたスピーチを聞けたとても楽しく学びの多い時間となりました。

さて、来週(6/3)にも特別セッションがあります。次はフィードバックスピーチに特化します。人生って、フィードバックの機会満載でもありますよね? 次回も楽しくて学びの多いイベントになること間違いなし。興味をお持ちいただけましたら、Contact Usフォームからご連絡ください!


Golden Week Vacation—178th Meeting May 20th: A Touching Toastmasters Experience


The 178th meeting of Senri Toastmasters on May 20 was a delightful blend of in-person and virtual interactions, as members gathered at Sone Chuo Kominkan and connected through Zoom. The meeting exuded a vibrant atmosphere, with Kama-yan, the President of Senri Toastmasters, announcing an upcoming special Table Topics Meeting and celebrating the tremendous response to their promotional videos on social media platforms.

The meeting theme revolved around the Golden Week Vacation, allowing members to share their holiday experiences. In this blog, we will explore the captivating speeches, engaging table topics, and insightful evaluations that made the 178th meeting truly memorable. 

Word of the Day- Touching (adj) affecting, poignant, moving.
Word of the Day is a word that attendees are encouraged to use during the course of the meeting. picked by the Word Master, one of the functionary role takers.  Its purpose is to help members increase vocabulary and flexibility.

Touching Speeches: 
The meeting commenced with Mune san delivering a heartfelt eulogy as his prepared speech. With the objective of "Delivering a Social Speech," Mune san touched the hearts of everyone in attendance, reminding us of the beauty of life and the importance of love. His speech left an indelible impression, truly exemplifying the meaning of the word "touching."

Kamayan, the second speaker, embarked on an "Ice Breaker Speech" and introduced his son to the Toastmasters circle. He shared a story about his son's vision for the future, effectively using rhetorical devices to depict the anticipation and anxiety between a father and son. Kamayan's speech was colored with personal anecdotes and the analogy of chemistry acting as a catalyst for his career direction, making it an engaging and moving experience.

Renelyn delivered an insightful speech titled "Speak Louder Than," based on the project "Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring." Her speech revolved around the key elements of effective mentoring, weaving personal stories of three different mentors. Renelyn emphasized the importance of an empathetic attitude that speaks louder than words, concluding her speech with a beautifully calculated and impactful closing remark.

Kazu, a member who joined Senri six months ago, shared a refreshing and enthusiastic speech about his "My Senri Experience." He expressed his comfort in being part of a diverse club where individuals from various backgrounds come together to improve their public speaking skills. Kazu's goal to become a better public speaker resonated with the audience, leaving them inspired and motivated.

Engaging Table Topics: 
The Table Topics Session, led by Kazu, took the participants on a virtual vacation by asking them about their dream destinations. Imaginations ran wild as members envisioned traveling to Argentina, Taiwan, Africa, and France. Interestingly, one of the guests, Nicolas, happened to be from France, adding an extra touch of excitement to the session. Among the participants, Yasuko san, a fresh new member, emerged as the Best Table Topics Speaker, showcasing her ability to think on her feet and express her thoughts descriptively.

Insightful Evaluations:
The Evaluation Session proved to be a valuable learning experience, with Tenten, Momo san, and Yoshiko san providing detailed feedback to the prepared speakers. Their evaluations not only highlighted the speakers' strengths but also offered constructive suggestions for improvement. Suggestions ranged from addressing unintentional body movements to increasing eye contact with the online audience and refining time sequence and content. These evaluations played a pivotal role in strengthening the communication and speaking skills of the participants.

Appreciation and Conclusion:
The success of the 178th meeting would not have been possible without the exceptional leadership of Toastmaster of the Day, Tamiko san, who skillfully facilitated the meeting, keeping everyone engaged and excited throughout. A special thanks also goes out to the Zoom Tech team, whose unwavering support made the hybrid meeting seamless and enjoyable.

In conclusion, the 178th meeting of Senri Toastmasters left a lasting impact on its participants.


Division Director-Elect!

 District 76 Council meeting, where club Presidents and Vice President Educations of each club as well as District Leaders meet and make decisions, was held today.

One of the most important agenda items was election of District Leaders, namely Division Directors and above, for the next term of 2023-2024. 

Our member Tenten has been elected as next Division C Director. Hooray! 

He gave a speech of his aspiration and talked about how he wants to vitalize clubs.

Division C? Yes, Our Divisions and Area of the Toastmasters will be changed, and Senri Toastmasters Club will be a part of Division C-3. This was another important agenda items decided during the meeting.

In Toastmasters, a program year begins in July and ends in June. We are at around  the end of the year.

I look forward to what will be unfolded in another Toastmaster Year! 

今日は各クラブの会長と教育担当副会長、そしてDistrict 76 (日本地域)のリーダーが集って、議事の決定を行う会議、District Council Meetingが行われました。

そこで。。じゃじゃーーん。次期Division C Directorとして我らがてんてんが選出されましたー!




ということで、7月からはDivision C になります。





 Toastmasters clubは英語を学ぶために特化した場所ではありませんが、英語を使って活動している以上、非母語話者にとって英語力を磨く効果があるのも確か。実際に英語力向上がToastmastersに入った理由の一つである人は少なくありません。

では、Senri Toastmasters Clubのメンバーの英語力はどんな感じ? 気になりますよね。





ミーティングでは、Prepared Speechをする人は決まっていますが、それ以外に英語を使って話す機会はたくさんあります。Grammarianもそうですが、それ以外にAh-Counter(不必要で気を散らすような発話に注目して報告する係)、Timer(スピーチの時間を測って時間の経過を綠・黄色・赤のカードで知らせる係)、Evaluator(Prepared Speechに対するフィードバックをする係)、Toastmaster of the Day(当日の司会をするだけでなく事前の準備も含めてミーティングをリードする係)、General Evaluator(ミーティング全体に対してフィードバックをする係)など、色々な役目で話す機会があります。


Prepared Speechをすることが英語力の維持向上に役立つのは自明でしょう。自分の伝えたい内容をどう表現するのが最も効果的なのかを考えることは、単に単語帳で英単語を覚えるよりもはるかに運用能力を高めてくれます。そしてTable Topics。その場で与えられたトピックについて2分程度で話す練習をする時間です。何を結論に据えて話すか、どういう構成にするのかを瞬時に判断して話し始めるわけで、事前にどういう表現を使うかと考える時間はありません。だからこそ、急に振られた話に対してそれなりに意味のある回答を出す訓練になるし、それをうまく表現する英語力向上のための練習になります。ま、すぐには上達しないんですけどね。

一言でまとめると、いろんな英語運用能力の人が互いに助け合いながらより上手に言葉を駆使して伝える力を養うために練習しているのがToastmasters clubということになります。そして、どんな役割を担当するにしても、工夫次第でかなり英語力を伸ばすための良い練習にもなるということ。ただし、英語そのものを学ぶプログラムがミーティングの中に組み込まれているわけではないので、ミーティングに参加するだけで英語が伸びるわけではありません。インプットや練習は自宅で日ごろから行い、ミーティングではそうして養った英語力を使って「伝える」実践を重ねることでより効果的に英語力を伸ばすことが可能になるという感じでしょうか。


Division Contest? そりゃ、出るでしょ?

2023年4月29日。関西と鳥取にある24のToastmasters clubが所属するDivision Fという枠組みでスピーチコンテストがありました。『Division F 日本語スピーチコンテスト』というものです。


「え。2日前ですか? それ、出ます? だって、前のArea Contest(Divisionの前の予選のような位置づけ)から1カ月半以上も練習してないですやん?」というのは普通の人の感覚かもしれません。でもMarikoは違いました。

「Division Contest? そりゃ、出るでしょ?」と言ったかどうかは知りませんが、当然かのごとく出場。落ち着いた話しぶりで今回のスピーチで最高のパフォーマンスを披露してくれました。日常生活の中で起こったちょっとしたエピソードから得た教訓を楽しい描写で語りかけた今回のスピーチ。隣人の話しぶりの描写に多くの聴衆が笑いを誘われたはず。

今回は千里ではなくもう一つ所属するShin-Osaka Leadersの代表としてのコンテスト出場でしたが、そう遠くない将来、またDivision Contestやその次の段階のDistrict Contestに出場するMarikoの姿を見たいですね。


The Club Speech Competition: Feb. 1, 2025

The recent club competition at Senri Toastmasters Club was a remarkable event, highlighting the exceptional skills of our members. This time...