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Division Club Officer Training – A Refresher and An Eye Opener: June 24, 2023

 The 2023-2024 new term officers of Senri Toastmasters Club (Area C3) participated in a half-day Club Officer Training. We were in full attendance and in full force. Some officers were experienced and have held several offices. Our Senri Team has two neophytes who were very receptive and committed to their office roles. We were committed to learning about our designated posts, listening to other Toastmasters clubs' officers, to ask and airing out our concerns and goals with the purpose of sharing and getting new ideas. Having these in mind, we will face the year ahead strongly, enhancing each other to do his/her duty responsibly and with joy that will trigger a “smooth sailing”, educationally fulfilling, and warm thriving home club in Area C3 and in Division C.

The First Session (Breakout Room 1): I realized that most clubs in Division C share the same concern as Senri Toastmasters Club – the need to increase the number of members. Senri club has a very strong base in terms of its educational output coming from members. But to make the meeting livelier, more varied, and not an additional load on role-takers, we need new active members. These prospective members are people who not only learn/wish to grow for themselves but have the concern to work hand in hand for the club's goals and its members. There are several ways that we aim to have new members: (1) work more on PR using social media, (2) to lure back former or inactive members by pointing out what they are missing, (3) work in line with the District 76 Public Relations, but coming up with an original and customized Senri Club Flyer, (4) to check the municipalities that have International Associations Offices, and (5) advertise the club through "word of mouth."

The Second Session (Breakout Room 2), made us, Division C Clubs, realize the problems of maintaining a team of working officers. Sometimes, due to personal/unforeseen reasons, an officer cannot function very well or has to leave the club. This cannot be helped; thus, flexibility and workload division have to be done. Likewise, creating certain committees for offices can be of help in choosing the next person in line. The experience of a committee member will expose him/her to the office task.

The Third Session (Breakout Room 3): Senri new officers met together in this session. We tried to answer the question – being in office a "Burden" or an "Opportunity." As the top officer, I can sense that each officer shared the same mentality and feeling that holding our office gives us an "Opportunity" to serve the club and fellow Toastmasters, learn the mechanics of our designated office, and gain professionally in aspects of communication and leadership.

SENRI Toastmasters Club's foremost aim is to increase the number of club members. But within the club, how will we, OFFICERS lead SENRI Toastmasters Club? WE wish to let everyone be heard, be observed – giving a chance/a role for everyone. WE have to set an example not only in ways deemed of a person: but in all the club meetings and related activities. WE wish to pay attention to each other's concerns and to pick up hints from the members. Lastly, WE aim to practice sensitivity, supportiveness, encouragement, and to have a strong TEAMWORK.

As a whole, the Division C "Club Officer Training" was indeed a "Refresher" for all officers who seemed to be bogged down by concerns/problems that lie ahead this term. Each one was refreshed by ideas and answers to their different concerns. It was also an "Eye Opener" for the new officers as to the tasks, the experiences of fellow Toastmasters, the available resources, and the possibilities they can use and be equipped with.


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