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The 179th Regular Meeting: June 17, 2023

 The 179th regular meeting was called to order, exactly 2 o'clock in the afternoon on June 17, 2023.

President Kama-yan gave us his last greetings. June is the last month of his presidency. He did a great job leading and encouraging members. Kudos to Kama-yan!

We had three prepared speeches: First one about the book "Little Women," which is very popular. She talked about the content, characters, happenings, and etc. The organization was good, but the flow to the conclusion needed to explain more in detail. Anyway, I enjoyed her speech so much. The second speech was about generative AI. He used some technical words which were not familiar to  me. In conclusion he accepted AI positively. Much easier explanation would have been appreciated for people like me. The third speech was about his first trip to India. He had many uncomfortable experiences, but he seemed to like Indian people who were energetic and good. His story was humorous and interesting. All three speakers were well prepared and made us enjoy speeches.

In the evaluation session, we had three experienced evaluators. The first evaluator gave a couple of good suggestions. The second evaluator seemed familiar to AI and suggested telling us its pros and cons. I think it was a good idea. The third evaluator organized his evaluation speech in three parts, that is, 1) purpose, 2) body language, and 3) vocal variety. As a result his evaluation speech was effective and understandable.

In the Table Topic session, Yasuko, who was assigned as Topicsmaster for the first time, did a very good job. She prepared well and gave us unique questions, for example asking,“What is that?" while showing a ballpoint pen.

As a whole, the meeting was enjoyable, comfortable, and educational thanks to Toastmaster of the Day Rene, who made the meeting go smoothly. 

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